Campmeeting Sabbath
Morning Power | Pr. Sammy Aloo
Music | Choristers
Lesson Study | Eld. Joel Opere, Eld. Tom Omurwa, Becky Arunga
Music | Choristers
Spirit of Prophecy | Pr. Ben Obwoge
Announcements | Eld. Tom Onyambu
Doxology; Invocation | Choristers; Pr. Lester Parkinson
Worship in Music | Choristers
Scripture Reading | Pr. Kenneth Karungu
Theme Song | Choristers (Hymn 612)
Prayer | Pr. Simon Munyao
Worship in Giving | Irene Omondi, Youth Choir, Choristers
Music | Ambassadors Choir
Welcome to Campmeeting | Pr. Jacob Akali; Eld. Paul Momanyi
Music | Newlife Church Choir
Children Program | Nyachio Sisters, Kemunto Nyaribo, Bianca Onyancha
Special Item | Magena Music Ministry
Sermon (Empowered to Proclaim) | Pr. Lester Parkinson
Theme song & Benediction | Choristers (Hymn 612)
Singspiration | All Invited Choirs
Health | Health Ministries
Music | All Invited Choirs
Welcome and Introduction | Pr. Emmanuel Tumpes
Scripture Reading | Pr. Kenneth Karungu
Theme Song | Choristers (Hymn 612)
Prayer | Pr. Susan Odidi
Worship in Giving | Betty Gabantu
Children Program | Natalie Wanga
Special Item | Magena Music Ministry
Sermon (Called to be Saints) | Pr. Lester Parkinson
Theme song & Benediction | Choristers (Hymn 612)